Korea’s top national broadcasting company MBC(Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation) and KBS(Korean Broadcasting System) have chosen to partner with JSAC New York as their overseas representative. We have worked closely with these broadcasting networks to create efficient and successful filming environment outside of the country. For example, we have aided in the filming of MBC’s variety show, “Infinity Challenge” and MBC’s “Star Audition” America and Canada, and KBS Symphony Orchestra’s UN Day special performance at the United Nations Headquarter in New York. JSAC New York provides production coordination service to help overcome the limitations of filming or covering news overseas. We provide support for all aspects of filming from hiring hardware needed for various programs like variety shows, dramas, documentaries, performances and other programs, right equipment for live HD broadcasting, legal assistant, and more.

국내 대표 방송사 MBC, KBS 는 해외 촬영 파트너로 제이삭 뉴욕(JSAC New York)을 선택했습니다.
MBC 예능 프로그램 '무한도전', '위대한 탄생'의 미국, 캐나다 편 및 KBS 교향악단 UN의 날 기념 뉴욕 UN본부 공연실황 촬영에 총괄 코디네이터로 참여하여 효율적인 해외촬영 환경을 제공하였습니다.
자사는 방송사 해외촬영 및 취재의 한계를 극복할 수 있는 코디네이션 서비스를 완벽하게 제공합니다.
예능, 드라마, 다큐멘터리, 공연실황 등 각 프로그램 환경에 적합한 하드웨어 수배, HD생방송 송출 등에 필요한 첨단 촬영장비, 법률관련등 해외 촬영에 필요한 모든 요소를 지원합니다.